perennial -
A plant that freezes back in winter and returns in the spring.
Pick Your Perennials
Black Eyed Susan: This plant spreads but doesn’t get out of control. If you like large blooms this plant along with Purple Cone Flower and Day lilies are “must have” choices.
Mac AudioCatmint: Falls into my personal top 5 list of great perennials. Forms a rounded mound of beautiful blue flowers that last for months. Cut to the ground in winter. Average size 2’x2’.75 Mac Audio.
Coral Bells: Many species exist but most are semi evergreen and are about 1' x 1'. Remove any leaves that did poorly in the winter. Red or pink small blooms dance above the foliage. Most varieties need part to full shade.
Columbine: If you have shade you will probably get some of this. Does very well in shade with wonderful blooms. The state flower of Colorado. Does best in cooler weather. Yellow, red, lavender very exotic blooms in late spring. 2” tall and it can spread a little but not too bad. Mac Audio
Coreopsis: Nice small perennial that blooms for long periods. 18” tall and wide. Yellow flowers that must be cut to ground in winter Mac Audio
Daylily: Grass like foliage all season and dies to ground in most winters. Huge trumpet like blooms in summer. Cut back in winter. Foliage to 18” bloom stalk to 3’. Many color available. Mac Audio
Gaillardia (Burgundy): Great variation of the standard red and yellow native plant. 18” tall and wide. Long blooming but please dead head after blooming-the spent blooms are not attractive. Very drought tolerant after established. gnus: Fast growing evergreen shrub. Crème colored blooms in fall. Great screen or filler plant for large corners. Does well in windy conditions. Foliage is a medium green with silvery undersides. Mac Audio
Geranium: Geraniums are a longtime favorite of Almanac gardeners. They are easy to grow, colorful, and many add a lovely scent to the home.
Jupiter’s Beard: Begins to return very early in the spring. One of my top 5. Fabulous bright pinkish blooms that last for months. 3’ x3’. Cut to the ground in winter. Mac Audio
Lavender: Much sought after but not as great as advertised. Cat Mint looks like it and blooms a lot longer. But if you must have the fragrance there is not a substitute. Average size 2’x 2’. It’s semi evergreen. And you guessed it—it blooms lavender! Yes –I know some are white also. Mac Audio
Mexican Primrose: Blooming ground cover. Must be cut back in winter so restrict it to small areas. Light pink large blooms and easy to grow. 1’ tall. Mac Audio
Paprika Yarrow: Interesting color on a common perennial. Blooms for months. Leave the spent blooms for interest. Shear to a small mound in winter. 18”x18” max. size. Color starts pale and then turns dark (you guessed it ) paprika color. Mac Audio
Pincushion Flower: Perennial Plant of the Year several years back. It is a stunning display in spring and if deadheaded will repeat in fall. Very short and great for small areas. The name comes from the fact that the flower resembles a pin cushion complete with pins. Very easy to grow in full sun to part shade. Mac Audio
Penstemon Superba: Over 20 varieties of Penstemon are native to New Mexico so they do well here. Most varieties like full sun and minimal water. These small leafy evergreen to semi-evergreen plants seem to explode with long stems covered with tubular flower that the humming birds can't resist.
Pineleaf Penstemon: Short little plant with massive amounts or intense red blooms in summer. Leaves are needle-like thus the name. Mac Audio
Artemisia “Powis Castle” (Sagebrush): Beautiful low growing silvery plant. You must cut this one back in winter. No blooms but great lacy foliage. An interesting addition to any landscape. 2’ tall x 3’ wide. Mac Audio
Red Hot Poker (Kniphofia): Grassy look that adds texture to any landscape. Stunning blooms that resemble a red hot poker. Blooms reach 3’ tall. Mac Audio
Rocky Mountain Penstemon: Long blooming plant that grows 3′x3′. Returns every year but must be sheared to the ground annually. Mac Audio
Russian Sage: We all want plants that are easy to grow. Be careful what you wish for. This plant can spread. You “neat Nicks” out there will not like this plant. If you like a plant that will naturalize this is your plant. Cut back heavily in winter. 5’x5’ avg. Mac Audio
Salvia Greggi: Longest blooming perennial that I use. But there is a trick. You must cut the plant to 1’ or less every year and follow with fertilization if you want results. Blooms all season- heavy in spring and fall. If you don’t cut it back it will look like a bunch of sticks with few blooms. One of my favorites. 2’ tall and wide. Red, pink, white and wonderful raspberry. Mac Audio
Salvia "May Night":Another top 5 in my book. Copious amounts of dark purple spikes in late spring to summer. 18” tall and wide. This is a plant that will make the neighbors come visit. Shear the blooms to see if you can get some fall blooms. Also available in pink. Mac Audio
Sun Drops: (a.k.a. Calylophus) This long blooming perennial gets about 1' tall and 18" wide. The large yellow blooms make it a carefree beauty.
Yellow Yarrow: This is the yellow plant that you see in most of my photos. Very eye caching large blooms that last for months. Leave the spent blooms or cut them back. Cut to a low mound in winter. Easy to grow and drought tolerant after established. 2’ tall including blooms with foliage 18” wide. Mac Audio
Yellow Gaillardia: Common native plant. Low water use. Please dead head after blooming 18” tall and wide. Mac Audio