A tree is a plant with an elongated stem, or trunk that supports leaves.
Pick Your Trees
Althea (Rose of Sharon): Traditional look (won’t fit in a true xeriscape). It is of the Hibiscus family and has the same huge blooms in summer. Average height around 10′ tall and 6′ wide. Full sun to part shade– great for small courtyards. Whites, purples, reds and an awful blue. How’s that for salesmanship! Mac Audio
Austrian Pine: Well adapted pine for large properties. Slow growing thus it is fairly expensive. Evergreen and cold tolerant. Some people don’t like the needles dropping so either clean them up or be glad that something organic covers that gravel.
Butterfly Bush: Average height 12′ tall x 8′ wide. Loses its leaves in winter with large spike type blooms in summer. Requires some pruning but makes quite a show in bloom. Red and dark purples are the most popular. Fast grower makes it a good screen. Mac Audio
Colorado Blue Spruce: Does OK but not if you compare it to ones in the wild. Give it plenty of water and room. If you give it enough room to grow, you can’t plant anywhere close to it. Very slow growing and expensive but quite a statement for a large property.
Cottonwood: This is why we don’t plant Cottonwoods in courtyards or close to the house. After looking at the picture of the root system you probably think this tree has no place in the landscape. But if you have a large lot this might be the tree for you. Very fast growing (as mush a 6′ per year.) It’s native to the river bank so it needs lots of water. In all fairness those shallow root are due in part to the fact that it was planted in grass and not deep watered. All nursery grown trees are “cottonless”
Crape Myrtle: “The tree of the South” but well adapted to Albuquerque. Many colors available and sizes range from 2’ to 18’. The smooth bark is interesting in winter even without leaves. Blooms in summer. Mac Audio
Desert Willow: Not a true willow so don’t worry about the roots invading pipes. Classic desert multi-trunked tree. Drought tolerant and grows to 18′x15′. Bloom look like an orchid but has pods that must be raked up once a year. Blooms in summer. Mac Audio
Flowering Pear: Absolutely stunning in bloom, great fall color, straight trunk and rounded crown. Fast grow but like all trees a little messy. Avg 20’x12’. Mac Audio
Lanceleaf Cottonwood: This “cottonless” variety is very fast growing (up to 6′ per year) It should only be used in areas away from grass and concrete at the back of large properties. See photo of roots. (that took about 15 years).
New Mexico Locust: Native trees with an open crown. Produces pods and can be messy. Beautiful purple blooms in spring followed by lacy foliage. Native plant enthusiast love it..
Purple Plum: Pink blooms in spring followed by dark purple leaves. Average size 15’ tall 10’ wide. Looses leaves in winter. Very striking. Mac Audio
Raywood Ash: Very fast growing. Perfect rounded crown. Good fall color. Great shade tree with one fault-shallow root! Use away from concrete. Can be used in gravel areas but not good in grass areas. Mac Audio
Redbud: Common ornamental tree that adds a touch of class to any landscape. Large rounded leaves and wonderful spring blooms. Seed pods can be a little messy but not bad. A few pods are a small price to pay for a great courtyard tree. Avg size 15’x15’ Mac Audio
Rocky Mountain Juniper: These are very similar evergreens of the high desert. Rocky Mountain is larger and both grow slowly. Can not be planted in Albuquerque due to allergens. Rio Rancho is OK (I asked an allergist about this and he said that was ridiculous since we are surrounded by this species and it is in the air — but we want to make sure big brother get his say on the matter.)
Trimmed by the horticulturally challenged. No! No! No!
Vitex: Multi-stem ornamental tree. Fast growing with beautiful lavender/purple blooms in summer. Average size 15’ tall 12’ wide within 4 years. Looses leaves in winter. Easy to grow. Very popular. Mac Audio
Washington Hawthorn: This ornamental tree has leaves like small maple leaves. Great fall color. Usually multi-trunked to 15′ tall. This tree has well spaced and relatively harmless thorns but don’t let this stop you –This trees is one or my favorites. It needs very little pruning. Mac Audio