a large family of beautiful plants that add texture, color and movement to the garden.
Pick Your Grasses
Gulf Mulhy Grass: (Sporobolus Capilaris)This grass is about 2" x 2" when matures. It is not as showy and full as some of the other grasses listed but come late summer it suddenly becomes a favorite because it look like a reddish maroon cloud hangs above the foliage.
Maiden Grass: this is a much better grass choice than Pampass Grass. The photo is the mature size and like most ornamental grasses it blooms (actually it produces plumes) in summer. The plumes last thru fall. A small and more evergreen but similar pick would be a Karl Forester Grass.
Mexican Feather Grass: (a.k.a. Stipa Grass)This very drought tolerant dwarf grass is a staple in New Mexico gardens. Looks best if cut back in early spring this beauty adds texture and motion to the landscape as it blows in the spring winds.